Snooze News | PerformaSleep

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Posts tagged "sleep patterns"

Introducing Camille Leblanc-Bazinet...

Introducing Camille Leblanc-Bazinet...

Professional PerformaSleep-er! Camille is an 8x CrossFit Games competitor, chemical engineer, self-proclaimed nerd, and the Fittest Woman on Earth - a title she earned after winning the CrossFit™ Games in 2014. Camille pushes herself to the limit (and beyond) in...


Signs of an Old Mattress

Signs of an Old Mattress

While there are numerous causes of back pain, sleeping on an old, worn-out mattress can certainly be one of them. Here are a list of signs that your mattress may be causing or contributing to your back pain and consequently,...


Lauren Fisher Reveals Her #1 Recovery Tool

Lauren Fisher Reveals Her #1 Recovery Tool

At only 24 years old, Lauren Fisher is already a 5x CrossFit Games competitor, a Junior National Champion weightlifter, and an accomplished basketball player. With her demanding training schedule, Lauren needs to get the most recovery benefits possible out of...